FRR Coif full mantle square face, 8mm round rivets, natural finish
FRR Coif Full Mantle Square Face, ID 8 mm, round rivets, natural finish
- Fully battle-ready -
This mail coif is well sized and fully covers the neck and shoulders. It has an authentic square facial opening. Maille coifs were used from the Dark Ages up to late medieval times, sometimes together with a helmet. We recommend wearing a padded arming cap underneath.
The FRR chain maille type: This particular mesh is a European chainmail type exclusively composed of flat rings. All rings are closed by means of round rivets with round heads. The weave is 4 in 1. This type is called FRR (= Flat ring Round Rivet heads).
- Covers the shoulders
- Authentic square face
- Inner ring diameter: approx. 8 mm
- Flat rings: approx. 1.8 mm wide
- Finish: natural
- Weight: approx. 2.8 kg
This is an original ULFBERTH® product.
Manufacturer: Battle-Merchant Wacken GmbH & Co. KG, Gehrn 4, 25596 Wacken
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