This Viking Age spectacle helmet is crafted from 1.2 mm steel. It consists of a blackened, domed helmet bowl, a brow-band running round the bowl's edge, two intersecting strips or bands (in German so-called Spangen) running respectively from front to back and from ear to ear, and a spectacle guard (a protective face plate resembling eyeglasses / spectacles) with nasal protection. The component parts are all connected by steel rivets and the gaps between the steel bands are filled with Y-shaped brass plates or segments fixed onto the bowl with brass rivets. The strips and the eye/face protection are adorned with a Celtic-style knotwork or interlace pattern.
The interior is blackened and fitted with an adjustable leather suspension liner attached with rivets. The 2 mm thick black leather chin strap closes with a steel buckle.
The helmet features a shoulder-length chainmail aventail or camail that protects the neck, throat and lower facial part. The mail weave is composed of butted (unriveted) steel rings with an inner diameter of approx. 9 mm. The aventail is attached to the helmet by means of a sturdy iron wire that runs all the way round the helmet. The threading loops holding the wire in place are fastened to the lower edge of the bowl and spectacles with rivets.
The spangenhelm was the predominant helmet type of the early European Middle Ages. However, the helmet we offer here is not an authentic reproduction of an original historical example, but rather a free interpretation of the early medieval or Germanic nasal helmets, spangenhelms / cross-band helmets and spectacle helmets from the Vendel Period and Viking Age.
This fine, fully wearable Fantasy helmet of various inspirations (Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Norman, etc.) is an ideal accessory for LARP, Fantasy, fancy dress, stage or TV/film and will make your transformation into a proud Norse warrior just perfect. Of course, it will also make a great, decorative addition to any helmet collector's treasure chamber.
- Material: 1.2 mm blackened steel bowl, steel bands, brass fittings, leather inlay, leather chin strap
- Chainmail aventail: butted steel rings, ID 9 mm
- Suitable for head circumference up to approx. 66 cm
- Long distance (back to front): approx. 21 cm
- Short distance (ear to ear): approx. 21 cm
- Height (without aventail): approx. 16 cm (approx. 26 cm with spectacle/nose guard)
- Length of aventail (fully stretched): approx. 30 cm
- Weight (with aventail): approx. 4.5 kg
Specs may slightly vary from piece to piece.
Manufacturer: Battle-Merchant Wacken GmbH & Co. KG, Gehrn 4, 25596 Wacken
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Nicht für breite Nasen geeignet
Produkt kommt genau wie beschrieben und sieht beeindruckend aus. Leider drückt es beim Tragen stark auf den Nasenknochen. Wenn der Helm nicht fest sitzt und man einen Treffer abbekommt, können leicht Tränen fließen oder man riskiert noch schlimmeres, je nach Pech. Fazit: Nicht für breite Nasen geeignet.
Coole Optik
Ein Titan unter den "Blechmützen".
Der Helm sticht dank seiner Optik aus meiner noch kleinen Sammlung heraus.
Auch was das Gewicht angeht schlägt er alles, was bei mir so rumsteht. Die erste Anprobe hat mich um geschätzte 3 cm verkürzt, um die Mitte herum aber etwas breiter werden lassen :-). Das mindert aber nicht den Tragekomfort welcher durch das Inlett und den Kimmriemen recht gut ist. Die mächtige Brünne bedarf ein wenig der Nachbearbeitung, aber das ist kein Grund für einen Punktabzug. Ich freue mich in beim nächsten Spektakel tragen zu können, und rufe schon mal alle "Angelsachsen" an meine Seite.
Ich empfehle dieses Prachtstück gerne weiter.